mental health

Mental Health GIF


1: the general condition of one’s mental and emotional state

2: health care dealing with the promotion and improvement of mental health and the treatment of mental illness 

Hello RJ Frank Middle School! Today, we will be talking about mental health, and providing our personal tips and experiences with maintaining this part of our lives. Let’s introduce ourselves!

First, what is mental health? We like to think of mental health as a person’s emotional and psychological well-being. 

Next, why does it matter? Our mental health affects our ability to make decisions, manage stress, and interact with others. For example, when I feel sad, it becomes almost impossible for me to focus in class or to exercise. It is not always easy to talk about mental health. This can make it hard for people who need help to find it. But we all struggle with these tough feelings, and we want you to know that you are not alone, even when it feels like you are the only one! 


In order to stay physically healthy, we have to exercise and eat food that will nourish our bodies. To stay mentally healthy, there are also very simple steps that all people can do. Eli is going to give you a guide for how she maintains her mental health below! 

Eli’s Blog work

Hey guys! So as you know from the blog written by Caitlyn, our blogs will focus on mental health. I know not everyone is interested in this kind of stuff, but it is very important to know how to self care. With that being said, my blog will narrow down ways for you to find out how to self care.


Step 1: Think about the things that make you happy.

Everyone has those activities/ people in their life that make their day better. It doesn’t have to be something super big, it could be something as simple as going on a walk, watching the sunset, etc. There’s no real guideline to this step because it’s different for everyone. Simply think of whatever makes your day feel a little brighter.

Step 2: Talk to a close friend

This definitely isn’t for everyone but it does help. If you have someone you feel comfortable enough talking to about anything at all, you should. Sometimes talking to someone else about even little things that made you upset can be relieving. You don’t have to tell your life story, just what you feel comfortable telling them.


Step 3: Have a fair balance of personal and school life

Setting up a good schedule that works for you will really help in high school. It’s important to be able to fairly balance your school work and the life you have with your friends and family.

Step 4: Celebrate the small wins!

Acknowledging the little things that you accomplish will boost your ego! It’s ok to feel like you’re doing great and to treat yourself for it, especially if you worked really hard previous to it.

I hope this helps you figure out how you can better take care of your mental state. School can be challenging, so knowing how to handle it and what works for you hopefully makes it a great, memorable experience.

Harry’s Blog Work:

Hi, there!:

Getting ready for the future: 

I bet being an adult is fun especially now that your lives are in your hands where you make all the decisions.


The way to become a true adult without any fears!

They just give a generic mundane definition of taking care of yourself. The real hard facts deal with emotions with the mind. As I was becoming an adult and preparing for middle school and high school, I used to let so many negative thoughts come into my head. This made me feel so stressed and at times, I felt like my life was crumbling away. Every day I went to middle school I wanted to have fun but felt so stressed about my future. The biggest thing that I wished I had known was just to talk to people that were close to me. Let it all out. Until high school, when I was finally talking to a close counselor of mine. I was able to let it all out! The fear, the pain that was holding me back. I just couldn’t hold it back so I decided it was best to talk to someone. Let me tell you it was the best thing ever. Letting it all out!


The true meaning of being an adult: 

My friend went through something far worse, he lost a certain someone that was really close to him. When he was in high school, he told me that he was always trying to hide it behind a fake smile from his problems instead of facing them or at least he thought it would get better over time. As he told me he held back his tears and sadness. Now he’s doing so much better finally able to release all the sadness because someone listened to him!

Now that you are no longer kids, it is best to release those very emotions, because they can become friction on the road you guys and gals move on. That’s why, as you move through that road, there will always be roadside assistance like your teachers or even your close friends right by you, so you guys and gals can move easily to your dreams. 

To wrap it all up, mental health is both important and personal. Eli’s self care steps may work very well for you, while Harry’s advice about overcoming bullying might work better for another person. The most important thing is for you to learn how to take care of yourself. 

We want you to know that your emotions are important, and we also understand that sometimes it can feel like we are completely out of control. If you are experiencing anything like this, we strongly encourage you to reach out to a trusted teacher, counselor, or friend!

You got this!

6 thoughts on “mental health

    1) Do you find it difficult to talk about your emotions and mental health with other people, and why?
    2) What healthy practice can you add to your life to help you maintain your mental health? (This can be one of our examples or your own personal idea)
    3) What, in your own words, is the main point of our blog post we created for you?
    4) What is one specific suggestion you would give us of something to add to make our blog more entertaining and relevant to you and your peers at RJ Frank?
    5) What is one specific thing that is working well right now in our piece, and how can we build on what we did well to improve our piece for you?


  2. I believe the main purpose of this post is to make people aware of mental illness and making ways to help mental illness known. One thing I’d like to hear more about are more ways to help mental health. One healthy practice I can do to maintain my mental health is to have a healthy balance of my school and personal life.


  3. Personally I don’t find it hard to speak my my mind to other I’m and outgoing kid I have a lot of confidence but I can see why other more introverted kids struggle with speaking to others about their problems. Personally when I was at my lowest point at this age I would normally go home and just be with my dog my dog stopped me from having panic attacks and overall he helped with anxiety and a lot of other problems I faced.(His name is Pepper) I feel like the main point of this blog is to spread awareness of all the people who suffer from depression, anxiety or other mental health issues, overall this is a good post and I can see why this was a necessity to bring up.


  4. One thing the i really like is how you broke the blogs into little parts. I am answering some questions 1 i find it difficult to talk about my emotions beca Of rejection. I have a one question on the part of talking to a closet friend how helpful is that.


  5. I do find sharing my emotions with people a hard thing to do because whenever I tell them how I feel, I always end up regretting the fact that I shared my emotions. I could just take some time to myself like listening to music because that helps me relief the stress that I had during the day. I think the main point of your blog was to tell us that it’s not good to hold in our emotions and some ways you could make yourself feel better.


  6. The part of the blog that I like was mental health because its hard to talk about emotions and health with others, one reason is that if you talk to somebody that might tease you unless it’s your best friend. The post that you created for me is about mental health and emotions, which can help you to get confortable with your teachers and friends and will release emotions to your teachers. One mental health that you can improve is by putting “what makes that a problem to have mental health?”


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